Welcome to the Latin America & Caribbean Islamic Studies Newsletter
6/20/20212 min read
The study of Islam and Muslim communities in Latin America and the Caribbean is a growing field and features an ever-expanding network of scholars. The newsletter is one way for us to be connected.
As a developing field, the study of Islam and Muslim communities in the Americas has been missing a common community that would serve as a platform to enhance academic exchange and review current works - a network to connect researchers in the field of Latin America & Caribbean Islamic Studies.
This newsletter is meant to fill that gap by connecting people interested in Islam and Muslim communities in Latin America, the Caribbean, and across the American hemisphere through resources, news, and opportunities for collaboration.
By sharing information on research opportunities and results, it aims to encourage scholarship and present data, analysis, and insights on the subject from various fields of research and the public sphere.
The newsletter is a secular, academically independent, and non-confessional publication that brings together the perspectives of Islamic, LatinAmerican, and Caribbean studies. Therefore, the newsletter and its editors do not stake a claim on authenticity in matters of power, politics, knowledge, or orthodoxy.
The Editor-in-Chief is Dr. Ken Chitwood and Assistant Editor is Mrs. Rahma Maccarone. Contributions include work from a range of scholars working in various fields. While the newsletter is predominately in English, specific articles and resources are provided in Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, French, Arabic, and other languages.
What to expect
The newsletter is published quarterly in Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall editions of each year. Newsletters include:
Original Research and Reviews - Peer reviewed articles, essays, book and media reviews, and other original pieces from associated contributors.
Scholar Spotlights - Highlighting established and emerging scholars working on the study of Islam and Muslim communities in Latin America and the Caribbean, from a diverse range of disciplinary perspectives.
Resource Spotlights - A focus on a particular resource -- books, articles, bibliographies, podcasts, databases, etc. -- aimed at provoking and supporting future and more in-depth research on the subject. Usually with a focus on a particular theme, geography, or discipline.
"In the News" - Recent popular news media articles, highlighting the presence and significance of Islam and Muslim communities in the Americas. The editors do not wish to promote the media representations of Muslim communities and Islam in Latin America & the Caribbean. Nevertheless, examining the public view on the subject offers opportunities for awareness and critical reflection. All rights reserved to the corresponding news agencies.
Calls & Opportunities for Collaboration - Do you have research you'd like to share? A project you are looking to publish in short form? Want to write a pithy piece for our expanding network of scholars? We are looking for original contributions for the newsletter. Please contact editor@lacisa.org for more information, or to submit your work.